List of books related The Definitive Guide to Colon Hydrotherapy: Principles and Practice of Colonic Irrigation (Dr. Stephen Holt) The Second Brain (Michael D. Gershon, M.D.) Colonic Irrigation, Colon Hydrotherapy and Colon Cleanses (Donna Green) Colon Hydrotherapy: The Professional Practitioner Training Manual and Reference Book (Richard Knight) Too young to grow old (Anne-Lise Miller) The Inside Story: how your colon holds the key to your wellbeing, and what you should do about it! (Linda Booth) Live Younger, Live Wiser (Pauline Noakes) Little Merlee´s: Where Food comes to Life! (Merlee Harris ND) Digestive enzymes: Detecting leaky gut syndrome (Merlee Veronica Harris ND) An Introduction To A Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment: Answers to the questions you really want to ask (Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie) Homotoxicología, Depuración e Hidroterapia de Colon (David Granizo)